Sunday, May 27, 2012

We have gotten so many gift cards from our wedding! People are so nice and generous. Thanks everybody! Anyway, ever since we got married, we have slowly been using them and buying things that we need. We are finally at a point that I think we have what we need for now.
I have been wanting a nice camera to play with and document our married life for our kids. I have been eyeing the same Canon camera for a while. I did lots of research and came to the conclusion that that is the one I want. My sweetie pie let me buy a camera with the rest of our target gift cards. We have fallen in love with it and take it every where we go. It takes awesome pics and we are learning how to use all the buttons and features. What a great investment!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

An Exciting Day!

Ever since we got our Kia Soul, Spencer has been checking the mailbox for his license plates to come. He was so worried that the numbers would be totally lame. Everyday he checked the mailbox, nothing came. Today after I got off of work, I called Spencer. He told me that he was already home from work and that he was just going to walk out to the mailbox. Spencer paused on the phone and then finally told me the good news. His plates had come!! I wouldn't let him open up the envelope until I got home. This smile says it all.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Making Cookies on a Sunday

Today was a good Sunday. We got a calling in the ward. We now teach primary! The sunbeams to be exact. Spencer and I are super excited about it. But also very worried that along with the calling will be poopy diapers. After church today, we made sugar cookies!! Mmmmm!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Peanut butter jelly time!

My hubby is obsessed with peanut butter. One time when watching the food network, Alton Brown made some peanut butter. Thanks to spencer, I have never forgotten how cool that recipe is and how badly we needed to try it. Spencer also thought it would make the best neighbor gifts. Months had gone by and we still hadn't made any. But finally, we made some! We went to the store and got some peanuts and other ingredients. Spencer couldn't wait to get home, he was smiling the whole way. Spencer ran inside and started washing his peanuts. He washed, dried and salted them. Then he evenly spread them on a cookie sheet and roasted them. We sat down in front of the tv and peeled off all the shells of the newly roasted peanuts. After that was done, we put them in a food processor along with salt and honey. The peanuts in the processor looked thick and clumpy. I was worried that our peanut butter wouldn't work out. Spencer would be heart broken! But sure enough after a couple minutes, it started to look like peanut butter. The hubby made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the spot. He is so proud! Hey neighbors, watch out! Christmas peanut butter coming your way!

When we moved into Grandma and Grandpa's house, I realized that we didn't have a table. Of course, I being a girl really wanted one. Spencer couldn't have cared less. He wanted to spend that money on something way more cool than a table. So one Saturday, we went down to Draper to see my family. It really was just a good excuse to get Spencer to take me to Ikea. I picked out a cute little table that would be perfect for us! Spencer was making me second guess myself though. He said we didn't need a table. Who doesn't need a table? Anyway, long story short, we bought a table and four chairs for $300. Good job Ikea! We loaded all the boxes into the little Mazda and home we went. I was so excited to set up the table! Spencer was a good sport and did it all. I was just his assistant. Look at how cute it turned out!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We Got Soul!

We got soul. Yes, we bought a new car. Spencer has been wanting a new car forever! Well, as luck would have it, Spencer's Jetta was having a lot of problems recently. We knew it was time for a new car.

We looked around a lot at all our different options. We even took a couple test drives but when we came across the Soul we really just fell in love. 

We sold Spencer's car to the owner of a used auto dealership. Since Spencer's family knows the owner, we got an even better deal on the the sell. (Our luck just keeps getting better) The owner of the dealership knows one of the salesman at the Kia dealership in American Fork, so of course we got a great deal on the car. 

We went down to American Fork on Friday and signed paper after paper and before we knew it, we were proud owners of this little baby. He would be ours that Monday!

Monday came around and Spencer was so excited to go get his car. He even gave him a name, Dexter! Isn't that cute?

So we not only got a great deal on Dexter but Spencer got the upgraded audio system that he wanted. What a spoiled boy!

It has light up speakers, a back up camera, a better audio system with a subwoofer, voice control and bluetooth!

Spencer keeps asking me if we can go look at his car. He also just likes to sit in it and learn all the cool things his car can do. This man has never been happier!

Spencer has also given me lots of rules, like I can't eat in his car and we have to vacuum and wash it on a regular basis. I also have to be careful about where I touch it.

This car is really awesome for a really great price. Definitely worth every penny. (It also just makes your husband really happy and that is priceless)

Look at the smile of a proud new Kia Soul owner