Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stealin' nachos at Nacho's

Spencer is a model!

Some good poses I got from Spencer at The Gateway. Spencer is on the fast track of becoming a J. Crew model!

On our way to Ross because..

There was nothing that we could find at The Gateway so we went to Ross because...Well Spencer will tell you why in this video. Oh and Pooh Bear is his favorite nick name. He gets so embarrassed when I call him that in public :)

"Can't a man?"

                                       After shopping yesterday, Spencer was very frustrated!

Monday, May 23, 2011


There was nothing good at Banana Republic! So expensive.

"Hey, I'm vlogging here!"

Whoa. Today was such a crazy day. We almost died three times!! Spencer of course was driving. The first time, Spencer was texing and driving (he thought it was ok because it was his mom he was texting) there is a video of this crime he commited. Next, his car was making a funny noise (sidenote: we were making a left hand turn onto the freeway) and he drove over the cement curb! Sorry we don't have a video of that. Last, some moron was making a left hand turn onto a busy street and cut right in front of our car! Spencer of course honked, got mad and gave him the bird. Geez Louise!

Spencer's first attempt at vlogging. It just takes some getting used to.

"im a working man"

This morning was Spencer's first day working at Zions Bank.  The only text I got from him before he left was "I'm a working man". He is such a cutie! He didn't text me throughout the day and the next text I got said "I quit". He said it is too hard to work. Geez. Some people's kids.
(and apparently who makes all the money in this relationship)
We started watching Prison Break today. Before the summer ends we will have watched all the seasons. Spencer doesn't seem too into it. My momma will hate that. Our family loves that show, so i'm trying to get him hooked.

Today Mim found some lint on her shirt, threw it at me, and it stuck to my face! I don't wanna know where that lint came from.

Because Mim knows that I'm not what you would call "motivated", she decided to start doing my laundry for me! What a wonderful woman! Well, actually, we made a bet. I lost. So I was supposed to do all her laundry, but she is such a good girl that she already did it herself. I guess she felt bad for me or something. Oh well. I love that woman.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

First Batch of Pics

We don't want to have a boring blog, so here are a few of pictures to get the visual ball rolling...